So many ways with olives!
Who knew there were so many ways to enjoy the humble olive? With trees around the region dripping with fruit that so often goes to the birds, the time was ripe for a workshop on preserving and curing olives. While we have many commercial olive groves in the region, most produce olive oil, and sadly, most of the table olives sold in supermarkets are imported ones.
Conchetta Sultan, co-author of the Cugini in Cucina Cookbook and authentic Italian cook, believes we can all be making the most of the olives dropping on our doorstops and loves to encourage people to scour their local streets and neighbours trees to collect olives of all varieties.
“Crisp olive pickles that last for years without any preservatives can easily be made in the home kitchen,” she says. “But there are a few important rules to follow!”
She was in Bindoon on Sunday sharing her many years of knowledge, along with recipes from her Sicilian heritage to the fourteen keen participants of her workshop held in the Locavore Store kitchen. There was much chopping and crushing, slicing and salting going on, and many, many jars (some recycled) were filled with delicious olives.
“It was a really informative and thoroughly enjoyable afternoon that included grazing on fabulous fresh Italian antipasto with the various olive recipes just learnt. Conchetta is a knowledgeable, warm and friendly teacher,” said Louise Oliver who came across from the coast for the day with a group of friends.
“Conchetta was very engaging and taught us all about traditional Sicilian olive curing in the lovely Locavore kitchen. My favourite dish was the fresh and finely chopped olive salad which we made as a team,” shared Julianna Mason.